Review: The Magnificent Seven


The Magnificent Seven is directed by Antoine Fuqua and stars Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawke and Denzel Washington and is the remake of the classic western film from the 60s, as a kid I would watch the original Magnificent Seven over and over it was the movie that got me into all these western movies.


In this remake one small town is being taken over by a very evil man and seven people band together to help this small town, regain their livelihood and fight back against these evil people and is story that’s very timeless because it keeps getting retold in every movie.


When this came out last year, I went to watched it and was in awe at how great this movie was. It told an amazing story with lots of great action scenes and this is another reason why Denzel Washington is one of my favourite actors, he played a badass cowboy and he was the star in The Magnificent Seven.


This is action packed with great gun fights and action sequences, also another thing to point out is that this also had some humour and some funny jokes. The Magnificent Seven is way better than the original and is one of the best movies of 2016 and everyone in this movie played amazing roles.

I implore all of you to watch this, I had a total blast watching The Magnificent Seven and I’m going to give it an A.


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