Review: Scarface


Hey guys hope you are all doing great, today I am going to review an 80s classic called Scarface, this was a movie I wanted to see but I were scared about watching it. This movie kick started Al Pacino’s career of and Scarface is the movie he’s most known for.

Al Pacino plays Tony Montana who leaves Cuba during the Mariel Exodus, he finds himself in a Florida refugee camp but his friend Manny has a way out to undertake a contract killing and arrangements will be made to get a green card.


There has been so many mixed reactions about this movie and I personally loved, I always loved the Tony Montana character as such a badass who just kicks total ass in Scarface. It does get pretty full on and may scare a lot of pwople, if you don’t like horror movies I don’t reccomend this because even though it’s a Crime, at tmes it felt like a horror movie.

Some of the action sequences in Scarface are outstanding, especially the last few minutes where Tony Montana comes in and blows the place up. Scarface is also known for that famous quote where Tony says “Say Hello To My Little Friend” that wuote is still one of my favourite quotes of all time.

Next year their bringing out a Scarface remake and I’m sure it won’t be better than this 80’s classic and I’m going to give Scarface an A.


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